Please support our supporters
These local businesses are truly generous in the giving of their time and support of Kitten Kapers Rescue. The care of our beautiful fur friends is made that much easier by their generosity. Please support local by shopping and utilise their knowledge and expert advice.

Lost Pet Coordinator - REDLANDS
Part of the Queensland Lost Pet Register - Run solely by volunteers, our aim is to help pets get home safely.

476 Woowoonga Hall Rd,
Woowoonga Qld 4621
PH: 0403 745 647 (8am - 2pm)
PH: 0438 882 466 (2pm - 8pm)
EMAIL: qldlostpets@hotmail.com
Gidgeymo Illustrations & Graphic Design

Birkdale Veterinary Clinic
106 Birkdale Road
Birkdale, QLD 4159
Phone Number: 07 3822 7725
Fax Number: 07 3822 7735
Emergency: 07 3423 1888

Redlands Produce

Animal Wellness
Greenslopes Mall Shopping Centre,
6b/700 Logan Road,
Greenslopes QLD 4120
PH:(07) 3324 2291

Paw Prints Pet Photography